Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Do you know the muffin man?

Do you know the muffin man?

The muffin man?

The muffin man?

Oh--the one who lives on Drury Lane? Yes... I do know the muffin

It may be noted that some of the greatest secrets and conspiracies of the world are hidden in the most innocuous of places. There are millions of theories such as how a certain building is symbolic of the chaos that man lives in; or a certain painting of a scenery is actually symbolic of the artist's maiden aunt's nose which had an ugly wart on it. While these theories range from the profound to the ridiculously ridiculous, the fact remains that sometimes things are not always what they seem.

The same applies to the passage quoted at the beginning of this post. For the animated movie savvy, I hardly need to mention that it is from the king of all cartoons, Shrek. This particular dialogue is innocent enough (unless you consider the ginger bread man being tortured with milk by Lord Farquads goonda not very innocent... but that's another story.) Anyway... it is, I state, quite an innocent scene. On first viewing it, one may be mildly amused or like me, laugh like a loon for an hour. But a disturbing insight has come to light.

The muffin man they speak about, is in fact, a secret code word. Or rather, a secret man. Er... that is to say, the muffin man leads a secret double life. By day, he's a jovial, fat little baker, baking away runaway confectionaries but by night... Ah yes, few people know of his night shift duties. By night, he becomes a different man. He becomes a shadow among shadows---except for the fact that he is an oddly yummy-smelling shadow. He becomes the defender of the defenceless. He becomes the protector of the... protection less and the upholder of justice, and to blatantly plagiarise a particular movie, he becomes an all-round good guy.

Not that he's a bad guy during the day. His muffins are well know. He is peerless in his cakebaking abilities. His baguettes are to die for. But somehow loses favour among women--they say his food is too tempting and too fattening. But he strives on, everyday, baking away.

But it is at night that his true nature revelas itself. Armed with a frying pan and another lethal weapon--his blender--he roves the areas around Drury Lane, scourting the street for crime. It may be noted that the police are pretty good at this themselves and so the presence of a super hero proves redundant, rendering the muffin man into a slightly insane looking figure. But remember, it's the thought that counts!

The muffin man is often made conspicuous by the absense of any particularly great super powers, unless of course you, like me, have tasted his chocolate gateau and think it's a super human preperation. But he is still a super hero because in his heart he is one! He does have a constume which unfortunately does not fit anymore due to a weakness for his own preparations. He is still a dignified figure though (or so he would have us believe.)

To add to his good deeds, he also takes customised orders like giant ginger bread men, gingerbread houses, etc.

So, the next time you want to strike fear in the heart of a villain, walk up to him and whisper in his ear Do you know the muffin man? (Using a menacing tone while doing so might help.)


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Arjun Sukumaran said...


Minute I saw that, I just had to comment!

Ice Age 2 coming out also!

This glass is decidedly half full!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger VaishKan said...

oy! duloc is crimeless cuz "its a perfect place" to quote those small boys n girls dancing dolls that take a pic of a very dumb expressioned shrek n a very happy lookin donkey. what kinda crime does the muffin man fight??

At 4:51 AM, Blogger Ms. Lane said...

great going woman crappy as always you never fail in your goal!!
muffian man...oooooo m scared!!
hungry is more like it..lolz

At 3:31 AM, Blogger eyefry said...

He sounds like a Discworld character. With the tagline of "Who's Afraid Of The Muffin Man?" chanted breathily in the background, every time he appears, by a chorus of small skeletal rats...

At 9:56 AM, Blogger AtomicGitten said...

All Hail the Muffin Man- fighter of crime! Destroyer of Diets!-AND: he doesn't do advertisements!

At 3:00 AM, Blogger smoke said...

Hehe, good idea, eyefry I shall pass it on to him.

Doesnt do advertisements, atomic? Well true... though he did ask me to put in a word for him in the blog. But hush abt that!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger rubber_soul said...

words of wisdom.great insight... try writing bout superman 2..i mean the only super hero born with super powers unlike most super heros who got it midway...anil(the dirty writer from the train)

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Karthik Shetty said...

nice, almost cute, but if it was meant to be scary then I guess someone'll have to have a relook.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger smoke said...

hey thanks for dropping in rubber_duck. I'm giving your suggestion serious consideration! :D

karthik shetty! Gasp! You weren't the least bit scared? Intimidated even? Sheesh. Guess you're really lion-hearted. :D

Hehe, no it was not meant to be scary!


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